
Power Apps - rapid custom application development

A simple, efficient, and customizable solution for creating your own applications

Power Apps is a tool that allows you to create applications, customize them to specific needs, and connect them to various data sources without the need for programming, thanks to pre-built templates and tools.

6 reasons why you'll also love Power Apps

  1. Simplicity & flexibility You don't need technical knowledge; you can easily customize the applications to your own needs.
  2. High availability The applications are available for mobile devices, allowing users to work from anywhere.
  3. Speed & cost Pre-built templates and tools enable faster and more cost-effective application development than custom development.
  4. Easy data integration Easy integration with various data sources, such as SharePoint, Excel, or SQL Server, is possible.
  5. Integration with other tools The ability to integrate with other tools within the Microsoft Power Platform, such as Power BI or Power Automate, is available.
  6. Easy maintenance The applications are easily updatable, minimizing application management costs over time.

Gain freedom in application development

Our Microsoft specialists will be happy to help you choose the tools that are most suitable for your use case and teach you how to use Power Apps so that you can easily and affordably create customized solutions to meet your needs.

We'd love to share our references with you

Contact us. We'd be happy to showcase our work to you.

For a little preview, you can read about the Succession Planning application we created for a group of construction companies.

To contact us

Development of Power Apps step by step

  1. Consultation & analysis We will understand what you want to achieve. Taking into account the project's size and budget, we will consider whether a solution using Power Apps is suitable for you.
  2. Development We will select the appropriate tools and assist you in setting up the necessary workflows, integrations, and other required features.
  3. Support The resulting application eliminates dependence on third parties for its management and development. However, we will still be ready to support you in case of any additional requirements.

Are you looking for an experienced partner to implement your plans or want to learn more about Power Apps?

Leave us your contact information, and we will get back to you.

... or go ahead and schedule a meeting with Mirka